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We innovate for all those who keep the world moving.

At the heart of our organization lies a strong commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and producing innovative products and offerings. Our vision is to cultivate an environment that nurtures creativity and ingenuity while driving focused efforts toward innovative products and solutions.

Guided by a strategic imperative, we aim to spearhead impactful innovation initiatives in areas of strategic significance to the broader Daimler Truck Group. This mandate serves as our compass, guiding all our endeavors toward driving tangible and sustainable innovation outcomes.

Sustainable Vehicle Design

Daimler's sustainable vehicle design focuses on integrating lightweight materials, aerodynamic improvements, and efficient powertrains. This approach aims to minimize fuel consumption and emissions while enhancing vehicle performance and longevity.

Vehicle Digital Transformation

In-vehicle digital transformation encompasses connectivity solutions, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies. These innovations enhance safety, operational efficiency, and fleet management capabilities by facilitating real-time data exchange and predictive maintenance, crucial for modern transportation needs.

Digital Intelligence

Leveraging robust data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Daimler integrates digital intelligence across vehicle systems. From predictive analytics for maintenance to AI-driven optimization of logistics and operational processes, these innovations enhance vehicle performance, reliability, and operational efficiency, ensuring vehicles are smarter and more responsive and offers our customers with actionable insights to improve fleet management, safety, and overall operational efficiency.

Zero Emission Technologies

Daimler is committed to zero emission technologies, pioneering electric and hydrogen fuel cell propulsion systems. By eliminating tailpipe emissions, Daimler aims to contribute to a cleaner environment and reduce carbon footprint. Investments in alternative fuels and infrastructure support sustainable mobility, aligning with global climate goals and customer expectations for environmentally responsible solutions.

Sustainable Vehicle Design

Daimler's sustainable vehicle design focuses on integrating lightweight materials, aerodynamic improvements, and efficient powertrains. This approach aims to minimize fuel consumption and emissions while enhancing vehicle performance and longevity.

Vehicle Digital Transformation

In-vehicle digital transformation encompasses connectivity solutions, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies. These innovations enhance safety, operational efficiency, and fleet management capabilities by facilitating real-time data exchange and predictive maintenance, crucial for modern transportation needs.

Digital Intelligence

Leveraging robust data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), DTICI integrates digital intelligence across vehicle systems. From predictive analytics for maintenance to AI-driven optimization of logistics and operational processes, these innovations enhance vehicle performance, reliability, and operational efficiency, ensuring vehicles are smarter and more responsive and offer our customers actionable insights to improve fleet management, safety, and overall operational efficiency.

Zero-Emission Technologies

Daimler is committed to zero-emission technologies, pioneering electric, and hydrogen fuel cell propulsion systems. By eliminating tailpipe emissions, DTICI aims to contribute to creating a cleaner environment and reducing carbon footprint. Investments in alternative fuels and infrastructure support sustainable mobility, aligning with global climate goals and customer expectations for environmentally responsible solutions.

Sustainability at DTICI

We continuously strive to improve our ecosystem in compliance with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The ambition is to achieve an increasing number of targets encompassed under these guidelines, in addition to working towards enhancing our SDG portfolio.

Climate Action

• By promoting EVs and providing charging infrastructure, we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combatting climate change. • We have implemented water recycling systems to minimize water wastage.

No Poverty

• We collaborate with local organizations to address social and environmental challenges.

Gender Equality

• We actively promote DE&I within our organization. • Equal opportunities, inclusive hiring practices, and diversity training are integral to our culture.

Good Health and Well-being

• Wellness Initiatives and Nutritious Meals. • We prioritize employee health and well-being by providing wellness programs. • Breakfast, lunch, and healthy snacks are offered to ensure proper nutrition. • Our wellness initiatives align with promoting physical and mental health.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

• We believe in fair compensation for all employees. • Our hiring practices prioritize diversity and inclusivity. • Fair wages and inclusive hiring contribute to sustainable economic growth.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

• By promoting efficient transportation and reducing traffic congestion, we contribute to creating sustainable cities.

Clean Water and Sanitation

• Our water recycling efforts align with SDG 6, ensuring sustainable water use and sanitation practices. • Employee Transportation and Work-from-Home. • We offer employee transportation services to reduce the number of private vehicles on the road. • Our work-from-home policy further reduces commuting-related emissions.

Sustainable Vehicle Design

Daimler's sustainable vehicle design focuses on integrating lightweight materials, aerodynamic improvements, and efficient powertrains. This approach aims to minimize fuel consumption and emissions while enhancing vehicle performance and longevity.

Vehicle Digital Transformation

In-vehicle digital transformation encompasses connectivity solutions, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies. These innovations enhance safety, operational efficiency, and fleet management capabilities by facilitating real-time data exchange and predictive maintenance, crucial for modern transportation needs.

Digital Intelligence

Leveraging robust data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Daimler integrates digital intelligence across vehicle systems. From predictive analytics for maintenance to AI-driven optimization of logistics and operational processes, these innovations enhance vehicle performance, reliability, and operational efficiency, ensuring vehicles are smarter and more responsive and offers our customers with actionable insights to improve fleet management, safety, and overall operational efficiency.

Zero Emission Technologies

Daimler is committed to zero emission technologies, pioneering electric and hydrogen fuel cell propulsion systems. By eliminating tailpipe emissions, Daimler aims to contribute to a cleaner environment and reduce carbon footprint. Investments in alternative fuels and infrastructure support sustainable mobility, aligning with global climate goals and customer expectations for environmentally responsible solutions.